Knowledge Hub

Event Details

event 2 image
2023-08-21 17:30:00
40/40 30 min
Questions Answers

Ask all your questions to our guest on coparenting.

Discover Kiido's new appointment: a monthly question-and-answer session with a co-parenting professional!

This month, put all your questions to Francine Summa, family mediator and lawyer.

A short 15-minute session to answer your questions about family conflicts, mediation tools and much more...

You can log on to Zoom to ask your questions freely.

event collaborator

Francine Summa

Family mediator at the Paris Court of Appeal

I am a member of the Paris Bar, specializing in Family and Estate Law, and was admitted to the Honorary Bar in December 2018. I am contacted by parents in the process of separating to help them find solutions for alternating residence or to define the best visiting and accommodation rights for the parent (often the father) obliged to find accommodation for himself and his children and also to live with them and his new partner and her children (blended families).

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